Sunday 8 February 2009

How To Make Money Online For Free.

Have you ever wondered if it's possible to make money online for free?

Yes it really is possible to make money online for free. There are lots of free resources available. You just have to hunt through the hype and be prepared for lots typing. I'm sick and tired of typing in my user details to the various free ads sites and search engine submitters. But if that's the worst stress I'm having with making money online that's ok by me. It's a hard life :)

In my opinion the best way to start making money online for free is to start a blog. Ok, ok I can hear all you experts shouting “That's not right, you should do this.....”. If that's the case then please feel free to leave comments. Let's all help each other.

Not only does a blog allow you to give your product exposure it also gives you confidence. I would say the biggest help to me so far has been starting my blog. Once it was written I was really pleased with myself. This in turn led me straight to writing my free adverts and ezine articles without even thinking about it. Once you get started you don't stop. It's a bug. So please if you are thinking about making money online for free you must start a blog and tell the whole world about what you are selling.

If you haven't got anything to sell yet there are lots of options available to you. The one I am hooked on can be found here.

Once you have your blog up and running with your desired subject it is time for free advertising.
Before you go off like a crazy person eager to get your product out in the wild make sure you create some extra email addresses. Create one for your Free Ads. Create one for your Ezine submissions and so on. I use google mail. You can set each email address to be forwarded to your primary email address. This way you get all your emails in your email client (Outlook, Thunderbird, etc) inbox but can keep track of them seperately at google.

A quick google search will give you lots of free advertising and ezine submission websites but here are a few I use.

Free Ads:


Before posting to ezines do your research. A lot of the articles are approved by a real person and quality is the key to your work. No blatant promotion of affiliate sites. It has to be something which will help or benefit people. So if you are promoting dog biscuits as an example, dont' just write an ezine article saying “These are the best dog biscuits around click here to buy now”. Write an article about A Healthy Dog Diet, 10 tips for a happy pet, Benefits of chew sticks etc. Now provide a link to your blog or direct your product. Remember to provide quality in ezine submissions.

Persistence is the key. Keep at it and you will reap the rewards but most importantly you will have learnt a lot in the process. This will not get you rich but it can certainly help you to make money online for free. And when you have earned enough you can pay for better exposure and get more money. Just get started. Go for it. You have nothing to lose except a few hours of your time.

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